CRM Custom Tailored
Precisely To Your Business

Customized Workflows, Automations, Communications & More.
  • Pipeline Management & Sales Forecasting
  • Website integration
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email/Text/Chat/Phone Communications
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The Optimum Approach: Solution Modules

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Everything You Need to Manage Sales Activity

Visual Workflow Management

A visual representation of your real-life business workflows allows you to easily assess the status of key tasks, identify bottlenecks, track progress, and communicate with team members.

Your key CRM workflows mapped via Kanban processess: Sales Cycle Management, Customer Onboarding, Event Planning, and Renewal Management.

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Scheduling and Task Management

Automated allocation of tasks and deadlines for marketing campaigns, sales meetings, follow-up items, and priorities will greatly enhance the overall efficiency of your business.

Reduced time spent on routine scheduling of tasks allows employees to spend more time on higher value activities which in turn, will improve the overall ability to get, keep, and grow customers.

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Commissions Tracking

There's just no room for error when it comes to people's pay. Earned commissions need to be accurate and timely. Because if they aren't... your team is definitely going to hear about it and it's going to take many hours to rectify to the satisfaction of the sales team.

Automated commissions accounting, combined with secure rep access and verification can be a massive time saver.

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Take Communication To The Next Level

Connect with customers and prospects how they want, when they want, to enhance engagement and foster long-lasting relationships.

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Key Features

Pipeline Management
Pipeline Management

Pipeline Management
Top of funnel MQL's
Sales Forecast
Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast
Track active SQL's mapped to your sales process
Contact Management
Contact Management

Contact Management
Add/Delete, De-dupe, Unsubscribe

Email Marketing
Email Marketing

Email Marketing
Execute and analyze outboud email campaigns
Website Visitor Tracking
Website Visitor Tracking

Website Visitor Tracking
Assign scores to visitors by website behavior
Reporting Dashboard
Reporting Dashboard

Reporting Dashboard
Powerful analytics all in one place

Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation
Track all inbound activities for tailored auto-response

Use Optimum only for what you need. We'll integrate

CRM mapped precisely to your real-life workflows

Reliable Forecasting

A good sales forecast is one that you can trust. Your sales forecast needs to accurately reflect every stage of your sale process because chances are that your business planning is a little bit different than everyone else.

That's how our CRM is different. We will map your forecast precisely to your unique sales process ensuring accurate, trusted information that reflects your reality.

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Digital Signature Collection

Why do you need to leave your application to collect digital signatures for important documents? You don't!

With Optimum, you can share necessary documents and collect digital signatures without having to log in and out of multiple applications. It's practical, and it saves time.

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Document Generation

Input forms collect the required information and Optimum uses this to create the documents you need. No more logging in and out of multiple applications for document creation, handling and sharing.

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Pricing and Implementation

Annual commitments with monthly payment schedule

  • $2,400 one-time implementation fee
  • Starting at $25/User/Month
  • $250/Month minimum

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Optimum Solution Modules

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Just a sampling of customers who trust Optimum

An award-winning platform. Loved by customers.

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See for yourself how Optimum can make your workflows more efficient